This function takes the output of either `margot_plot()` or `margot_plot_multi_arm()` and saves the plot as a PNG image using `ggsave()`.
This function saves a plot object as a PNG image, supporting multiple plotting systems including ggplot2, base R plots, and other plotting libraries.
- plot_output
Either a plot object directly, or a list containing a plot element. Supported plot types include ggplot objects, base R plot objects, and others.
- prefix
Character string. A prefix to add to the filename. Default is NULL.
- base_filename
Character string. The base name for the saved file. Default is "plot".
- save_path
Character string. The directory path where the image will be saved. Default is here::here("push_mods").
- width
Numeric. The width of the saved image in inches. Default is 16.
- height
Numeric. The height of the saved image in inches. Default is 8.
- dpi
Numeric. The resolution of the saved image in dots per inch. Default is 500.
This function uses `ggsave()` to save the Margot plot as a PNG image. If the save_path directory doesn't exist, it will be created. The final filename will be constructed as: `prefix_base_filename.png`.
This function handles different types of plot objects and saves them as PNG images: - For ggplot2 objects: Uses ggsave() - For other plot types: Uses png() and The final filename will be constructed as: `prefix_base_filename.png`.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Assuming you have already run margot_plot() or margot_plot_multi_arm()
plot_result <- margot_plot(your_data, your_options)
# Save the plot as PNG
prefix = "study1",
base_filename = "treatment_effects",
save_path = here::here("output", "plots")
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# For a ggplot object
plot_result <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt)) + geom_point()
margot_save_png(plot_result, prefix = "study1", base_filename = "scatter")
# For a base R plot
plot_result <- plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$wt)
margot_save_png(plot_result, prefix = "study1", base_filename = "scatter")
# For a list containing a plot
plot_list <- list(plot = ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt)) + geom_point())
margot_save_png(plot_list, prefix = "study1", base_filename = "scatter")
} # }