Create a Combined Slope Plot using ggeffects and patchwork
This function creates multiple ggplot2 visualizations using ggeffects to calculate predicted responses from models for multiple outcome variables and combines them into a single plot using the patchwork package. It allows flexible specification of the models and plotting options, including layout and annotations.
label_mapping = NULL,
x_label = NULL,
color_label = NULL,
save_path = NULL,
file_prefix = "plot_slope_covariate_batch",
ncol = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
guides = "collect",
patchwork_params = list(),
plot_annotation_params = list(),
caption_size = 10,
include_individual_titles = FALSE,
width = 10,
height = 8,
dpi = 400,
- data
A data frame containing the variables for the models.
- outcome_vars
A character vector specifying the outcome variables to be modeled.
- exposure_formula
A formula specifying the exposure variables (right-hand side of the model).
- terms
A character vector specifying the terms to be used in predict_response.
- label_mapping
An optional named list mapping outcome variables to custom y-axis labels.
- x_label
An optional label for the x-axis. If NULL, the first term will be used.
- color_label
An optional label for the color legend. If NULL, the second term will be used.
- save_path
An optional path to save the combined plot. If NULL, the plot will not be saved.
- file_prefix
Optional prefix for the saved file name (default is "plot_slope_covariate_batch").
- ncol
Number of columns in the combined plot layout.
- nrow
Number of rows in the combined plot layout.
- guides
How to combine legends. Default is "collect".
- patchwork_params
A list of additional parameters to be passed to patchwork::plot_layout().
- plot_annotation_params
A list of parameters to be passed to patchwork::plot_annotation().
- include_individual_titles
Logical, whether to include titles in individual plots (default is FALSE).
- width
Width of the combined plot in inches. Default is 12.
- height
Height of the combined plot in inches. Default is 8.
- dpi
Resolution of the saved plot. Default is 400.
- ...
Additional arguments to be passed to margot_plot_slope_covariate().
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Define outcome variables and label mapping
outcome_vars <- c("var1", "var2", "var3")
label_mapping <- list("var1" = "Variable 1", "var2" = "Variable 2", "var3" = "Variable 3")
# Create combined plot
combined_plot <- margot_plot_slope_covariate_batch(
data = dat,
outcome_vars = outcome_vars,
exposure_formula = "~ wave:covariate",
terms = c("wave", "covariate"),
label_mapping = label_mapping,
x_label = "Time",
color_label = "Covariate",
ncol = 2,
plot_annotation_params = list(
title = "Combined Slope Plots",
subtitle = "Subtitle for the combined plot"
save_path = "path/to/save/directory",
width = 14,
height = 10
} # }