Create Summary Tables Using table1 with Custom Formatting
`margot_make_tables` is a wrapper function for `table1::table1()` that simplifies the creation of summary tables. It allows for custom variable labelling, formatting, factor conversion, and additional table options. The function also performs data checks and provides user-friendly CLI alerts upon completion.
- data
A data frame containing the dataset.
- vars
A character vector of variable names to include on the left-hand side of the table.
- by
A character vector of variable names to stratify the table by. Supports multiple variables for interactions.
- labels
A named character vector for custom variable labels. Names should correspond to variable names in `vars`.
- factor_vars
An optional character vector of variable names in `vars` to convert to factors for frequency tables.
- table1_opts
A list of additional options to pass to `table1::table1()`. For example, `list(overall = FALSE, transpose = TRUE)`.
- format
A character string specifying the output format. Options are `"html"` (default) and `"latex"`.
- kable_opts
A list of additional options to pass to `kable_styling()` when `format = "latex"`.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Define variables
vars_list <- c(
# Define labels
var_labels <- c(
"sdo" = "Social Dominance Orientation",
"born_nz" = "Born NZ",
"rural_gch_2018_l" = "Rural GCH 2018 Levels",
"eth_cat" = "Ethnicity",
"rwa" = "Right Wing Authoritarianism",
"support" = "Social Support (perceived)"
# Create the summary table in LaTeX format
summary_tables_latex <- margot_make_tables(
data = dat_long_amelia,
vars = vars_list,
by = "wave",
labels = var_labels,
factor_vars = c("rural_gch_2018_l", "eth_cat"),
table1_opts = list(overall = FALSE, transpose = TRUE),
format = "latex",
kable_opts = list(
booktabs = TRUE,
longtable = TRUE,
font_size = 10,
latex_options = c("hold_position", "repeat_header", "striped", "longtable")
} # }