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This function processes longitudinal data for an arbitrary number of waves (e.g., t0, t1, t2, ...). It handles attrition, scales continuous variables, optionally encodes ordinal variables, and manages exposure variables.


  ordinal_columns = NULL,
  continuous_columns_keep = NULL,
  exposure_vars = NULL,
  scale_exposure = FALSE,
  not_lost_in_following_wave = "not_lost_following_wave",
  lost_in_following_wave = NULL,
  remove_selected_columns = TRUE,
  time_point_prefixes = NULL,
  time_point_regex = NULL,
  save_observed_y = FALSE,
  censored_if_any_lost = TRUE



A wide-format dataframe containing longitudinal data for multiple waves.


A character vector of column names to be treated as ordinal and dummy-coded.


A character vector of continuous column names to keep without scaling.


A character vector of exposure variable names. These variables will be used to determine attrition.


Logical. If TRUE, scales the exposure variable(s). Default is FALSE.


Name of the 'not lost' indicator. Default is "not_lost_following_wave".


Name of the 'lost' indicator. If NULL, no 'lost' indicator is created.


Logical. If TRUE, removes selected columns after encoding. Default is TRUE.


A character vector of time point prefixes. If NULL, they will be inferred from the data.


A regex pattern to identify time points. Used if time_point_prefixes is NULL.


Logical. If TRUE, retains observed outcome values in the final wave even if lost. Default is FALSE.


Logical. Determines how to treat the 'not_lost_in_following_wave' indicator. If TRUE, sets 'not_lost_in_following_wave' to 0 if any value is NA in the following wave. If FALSE, applies custom logic based on 'save_observed_y'.


A processed dataframe suitable for use in longitudinal analyses with multiple waves.


The function performs the following steps: 1. Identifies all time points in the dataset. 2. Creates 'not_lost' indicators based on the exposure variable(s) in subsequent waves, excluding the final wave. 3. Applies attrition logic across all waves. 4. Scales continuous variables across all waves, removing original non-scaled columns. 5. Optionally encodes ordinal columns. 6. Handles missing outcomes in the final wave based on 'save_observed_y'. 7. Reorders columns, placing exposure and 'not_lost' indicators appropriately.

Censoring Behavior: The function implements a recursive censoring mechanism across waves: 1. For each wave t (from t=0 to τ-1), a "not_lost_in_following_wave" indicator is created based on missingness in wave t+1. 2. If an observation has missing values at wave t+1: - The "not_lost_in_following_wave" indicator at wave t is set to 0 - All data for this observation in waves > t are set to NA 3. This censoring cascades forward: once an observation is censored at time t, it remains censored for all future waves.

Example of censoring behavior: “`r # Input data df <- data.frame( id = 1:3, t0_exposure = c(1, 1, 1), t1_exposure = c(1, NA, 1), t2_exposure = c(1, NA, NA), t0_outcome = c(10, 10, 10), t1_outcome = c(20, NA, 20), t2_outcome = c(30, NA, NA) )

# After processing: # Row 1: Never censored, all data retained # Row 2: Censored at t1, everything from t1 onward is NA # Row 3: Censored at t2, everything from t2 onward is NA “`


# Assuming df_wide is your wide-format dataframe with multiple waves
processed_data <- margot_process_longitudinal_data_wider(
  ordinal_columns = c("education", "income_category"),
  continuous_columns_keep = c("age", "bmi"),
  exposure_vars = c("treatment"),
  scale_exposure = FALSE,
  not_lost_in_following_wave = "not_lost",
  lost_in_following_wave = NULL,
  remove_selected_columns = FALSE,
  time_point_prefixes = c("t0", "t1", "t2", "t3"),
  save_observed_y = TRUE,
  censored_if_any_lost = FALSE
#> ── Longitudinal Data Processing ────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  Starting data processing for longitudinal data with multiple time points
#>  Identified 4 time points: t0, t1, t2, t3
#> Error: object 'df_wide' not found