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This function creates a summary table from the output of various causal models, including `lmtp::lmtp_contrast()`, `grf::causal_forest()`, and `grf::multi_arm_causal_forest()`. It calculates E-values for the estimates to assess the potential impact of unmeasured confounding, appending these values to the summary table.


  scale = c("RD", "RR"),
  new_name = "character_string",
  delta = 1,
  sd = 1,
  subset = NULL



The output from a supported causal model. Supported types include:

  • Output from `lmtp::lmtp_contrast()`

  • Output from `grf::causal_forest()`

  • Output from `grf::multi_arm_causal_forest()`

  • A data frame with columns 'estimate' and 'std.err'


Character string specifying the scale of the estimate to be used in the summary table and E-value calculation. Valid options are "RD" (risk difference) or "RR" (risk ratio). Default is "RD". This parameter is ignored for causal forest models, which always use "RD".


Character string to name the row(s) in the output summary table, representing the treatment contrast(s). For multi-arm causal forests, this will be combined with the contrast information.


The hypothesized increase in outcome for RD scale calculations. Used only when `scale` is "RD". Default value is 1.


The standard deviation of the outcome for RD scale calculations. Used only when `scale` is "RD". Default value is 1.


An optional logical vector for subsetting the data when the model is a `grf` model. Default is `NULL`.


A data frame with the original estimates and their E-values. The table includes columns for the estimate (either RD or RR), its confidence interval, E-Value, and the E-Value lower bound. For multi-arm causal forests, multiple rows will be returned, one for each contrast.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# For lmtp_contrast output
summary_evalues <- margot_model_evalue(
  model_output = lmtp_contrast_output,
  scale = "RD",
  new_name = "Treatment Effect"

# For causal_forest output
cf_summary <- margot_model_evalue(
  model_output = causal_forest_output,
  new_name = "Causal Forest Effect"

# For multi_arm_causal_forest output
macf_summary <- margot_model_evalue(
  model_output = multi_arm_cf_output,
  new_name = "Multi-Arm Effect"

# For direct input of estimate and standard error
direct_summary <- margot_model_evalue(
  model_output = data.frame(estimate = 0.5, std.err = 0.1),
  new_name = "Direct Effect"
} # }